Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Importance of IP Protection Game Plan for Small Businesses

The competition that exists in the market for small businesses is stronger than ever due to various factors such as global and online markets. For this reason, small businesses should ensure that their patent and trademark needs are met and maintained now more than ever.

With regards to patents, one must fully understand what it means to protect intellectual property. A patent should not be seen as a pass to produce something and more as a tool that prevents others from producing that good. Knowing what one needs to protect oneself is crucial, and IP does not always come down to patents. Even still, having a patent or other tools in place does not always mean you are immune from legal battles and encroachment, nor does that mean that competitors won’t try and get around your patent, and succeed in doing so. In an increasingly global economy, what may protect your IP in the United States, doesn’t mean it is protected elsewhere.

One’s business can depend entirely on the products and services it provides, and leaving your intellectual property unattended can be damaging. A strong, strategic IP game plan formed with an experienced attorney is the best way to ensure that you intellectual property, and your company, is well protected.

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